Proverbs 5:3

Sin twists things all around. It causes us to see and perceive things that aren't really there. We see something that we want and think that it looks like sweet honey, but we find out that it was something entirely different after we have experienced it.⁠⁠
Being 30 days out from the Capitol riots, I wonder if that's how the people who rushed up the stairs feel today? They thought that what they were doing was right and that it would taste good and be rewarding, but what did it actually bring? Are they embarrassed? Do they feel regret? Before we are too quick to judge, let's examine our own hearts. It might not be storming a Capitol or committing adultery, but I know that too many times, I have entered into a sweet appearing mirage of sin to only be left with a bitter aftertaste.⁠⁠


Proverbs 23:1-3


Proverbs 4:1-2