There are three basic approaches to leading those who are on your team:
1) Mentor approach – these are the leaders who lean on their own personal experiences and give advice-oriented feedback that helps personally develop and direct the people who they lead.
Pro – they use real-life experiences and knowledge to help develop their people.
Con – If they don’t have experience in a given area, then they could be lost at how to lead their team.
Advice to leaders who use this method: Be diligent in assessing both your skills and the skills of those on your team. If someone needs to develop in an area that you are not strong in, take the initiative to connect them with someone who can assist or coach them in that area.
2) Parenting approach – these are the leaders who are “always on” - they watch their team closely and are quick to give feedback and direction.
Pro – they are dedicated and involved, often spending more time with their team than the other styles.
Con – they can come across as micromanaging and controlling.
Advice to leaders who use this method: Remember to take the time to lead your team from 30,000 feet and not just in the weeds. Remind them of the purpose and vision of the company and then give your team the dignity and freedom to make choices, even it means small failures.
3) Cheerleader approach – they lead their teams by providing emotional support and encouragement often from a distance.
Pro –They create a sense of energy and momentum.
Con – cheering from the sideline can lack the specific guidance that team members often need. This group tends to spend the least amount of time with their people.
Advice to leaders who use this method: Be honest about areas that your team needs to grow in and help them see specific steps that they can take to get there.
Which type of leader are you? Or a better question to consider is - which approach do your team members respond best to?