Proverbs 27:14

Suppose your spouse, or somebody in your home, comes staggering out to breakfast and goes to get coffee but it's all gone. They moan but think, "I have other options" so they open the refrigerator to get some juice, only to find that it expired two weeks ago. As you sit watching this unfold, drinking the last cup of coffee, you raise your glass up in the air and start singing a song from church declaring, "remember Jesus loves you."⁠

This story embodies this verse well: "you will be counted as one who curses." It's not that your words are false. The words you speak should be true, of course, but they need to be more than true, they must also be relevant, and in addition to being relevant, they must also be timely. As it has been said, "the only difference between salad and garbage is timing." ⁠

True words spoken at the wrong time or in the wrong way are not Godly words.


Proverbs 28:1


Proverbs 20