So it's a new month and that means a new reading list! Here is what I have on the docket for this month. 

Old Testament History: An Overview of Sacred History and Truth by Wilbur Fields- I got this book in 2004, and this will be my fourth time to read it all the way through. I love it. What I like about this book is that it literally just walks you through the facts of the text and then has questions for each significant section of the Old Testament. This is not a book filled with lots of theology or commentary; instead, it's just a great way to learn the contents of the Old Testament. 

Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein - I'm looking forward to this book. It was recommended by Ryan Holiday, who always has excellent recommendations. This book goes against the grain of how many people think that successes are found in sports, business, life, and parenting, so I'm excited to hear his thoughts.

Redeeming Philosophy: A God-Centered Approach to the Big Questions by Vern S. Poythress. I became a big fan of Dr. Poythress when I read his book on Revelation several years back; however, somehow, I missed that he has released several books on philosophy and reasoning. John Frame has heavily influenced him, so that alone is enough reason to get me excited about this book. If it's okay, then you can count on more of his making the recommendation list. 

Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief by John M. Frame. This has been a recurring book on my list the last few months. I'm a little more than halfway through it. Some chapters have been remarkable, while some have been just okay. My plan is to be done by the end of February, and I'll give you a review. 

What’s on your list this month?



