How to lead your team during COVID 19
Be calm – I'm convinced that any bad situation can be made worse. One of the sure-fire ways to do that is to panic. We have a lot of different forms of panic. We can go out into our front yards and yell ‘the world is coming an end’ or we can lock ourselves in our rooms, binge on Netflix, and not take care of what we need to take care of. I propose that neither of those would be the right choice at this time. Staying calm does not mean that you deny the difficulty, but it does mean that you recognize that there are almost always solutions. It's identifying our problems but giving power and energy to the solutions.
Be a human being. When times are hard, leaders have to make tough and decisive decisions that are often unpleasant. To deny that would be like trying to deny that Donald Trump spends time under florescent tanning tubes. What I do take issue with is the idea that being a deceive leader and a caring leader are mutually exclusive. You can make hard choices without coming across as cold or impersonal. During hard times, seek to have purposeful connections with those that you lead. Don't be afraid to show real emotion and seek to understand the feelings of the people you lead. We all have some fears and anxiety’s during uncertain times; this doesn't make you weak, it makes you human. Showing this side will help build trust and confidence among your people. It is often said that "Tough times call for tough people" it is also true that tough times call for tender and caring people. Strive to maintain balance and always lean more to the side of being human.
Be communicative – There is so much uncertainty during this time that it leaves many people with a great sense of fear and concern. Leaders need to communicate as often as possible with your team. It can be to simply check in on them or to rely on the latest information that you have. The more that people are in the loop, the more connected and confident that they'll be in your leadership. As Stephen Covey spoke about in his book "The Speed of Trust," when trust goes up then speed goes up which makes profits go up. Over the next several weeks, the amount of speed it takes for you, as a leader, to make necessary changes/adjustments, will most likely be a key characteristic for you to have success during this season.
Be bold – Every interruption gives way to a new opportunity. This is not the time to stop but rather to ask questions, exploring, and trying new things. Think about new ways of doing business, or opportunities to connect with clients, how can you serve the community? Don't stop taking chances! Those that play it safe will end up missing huge opportunities!
Be hopeful – This is a hard season, no one denies that. However, it is a season that will pass. Help your team stay focused on the long term and what lies ahead. We are just starting the second quarter of 2020. Many of our yearly goals can still be reached!
- Greg
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