Do you want to grow as a leader?
Here are four simple tips to help you get to the next level:
1. Ask questions – Over the years I’ve tried to develop my skill of asking questions. It has opened up amazing opportunities to learn and see perspectives that I would never have otherwise.
2. Learn broadly – books, podcast, articles, master mind groups, coaching. Take responsibility for learning and broadly engaging ideas.
3. Writing – I’m not a strong writer. However, I have found that writing on a daily basis is not only a challenge for me but also a source of nourishment and fresh ideas. It can be a journal, or a blog, or prayer list, but getting into the habit of writing every day will develop you into a greater leader.
4. Slow down – take some time every day to slow down. If you are already a high performing leader then there are endless demands for your time and attention. It could be 1 hour a day or 10 minutes every few hours, but set aside time to slow down and look around. What sounds do you notice? What is going on around you? How are you feeling? What do you need to do before the day is over? Go for a walk. Slowing down will reset you for leading at a higher capacity as the day moves forward.
What are you doing to grow as a leader? To be a lifelong learner?